A happy and fashionable doll will for sure need a dress. Here you see the MiloMila dress being sewn. The dress is the same in the front and the back and it's reversible so when you are done you will you have two dresses with the sewing of one. Always a perk.
My dress can be worn with or without T-shirt because little dolls need some options. To allow for extra play activity, I add little snaps at the top. These are not needed because the dress can be pulled over the head but it's cute and that is a fabulous reason to add them. Never skip a snap if you can add it!
To create the dress you first iron the hem in all 4 pieces, this is the easiest later on. Next you sew the top edge (i.e. armhole, strap, neck, strap, armhole) of 1 outside and 1 lining piece together. You have 2 of each of these so you sew this twice. Leave the sides open. Clip all curves. Turn the pieces the right way and iron the work you just did.
Now you open the 2 dress pieces that you just created and lay them on top of each other. With inside fabric matching inside fabric and outside matching outside. Stitch the 2 side seams. Turn the dress the right way. Your dress now resembles a dress except that the bottom is still open, its folded the right way, but open.
Pin the outside hem to the inside hem. Stitch both hems together, close to the edge. This closes the bottom. Add snaps to the straps and your little dress is finished.
Christel ❤️
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